MWB Produce Subscription
General Description of the MWB
Produce Subscription Plan:
The MWB Produce Subscription Plan is a
service, designed to supply customers with a regular provision of the freshest,
tastiest, and most nutritious fruits, vegetables, and herbs available to meet
their individual and/or family needs. We
will strive to provide you with as wide a variety of produce as we can, within
the limits of the growing conditions we receive. Specific customer tastes will be respected,
but please realize that the more restrictive these are, the less variety will
be possible. We will accept changes to
your subscription at any time during the season, but please allow a 1-week
notification period before requested changes will take effect.
Subscriptions are available as bi-weekly
(pick-up only), weekly, every-other-week, or monthly arrangements during the
growing season (approximately mid-April through early-mid November). MWB tries to keep in line with current market
prices for various items. The base
subscription rate is $10.00 per delivery with a 10% bonus; additional bonus
will be given for pre-payment and customer pick-up. (For example: if you choose to have $15.00
worth of produce delivered once per week, you will actually receive $16.50 worth
in your parcel.) An invoice will be
included with your produce, listing the specific items and varieties you
receive. If you particularly like or
dislike items or varieties, please let us know!
Canned, processed, and baked goods, as well
as plants produced or grown by MWB can be included in the subscriptions, if
requested, and will be delivered along with your produce. You may request these items on a regular or
single-time basis. Specific
availabilities and prices can be sent to you via e-mail, or a print listing can
be included each time with your regular order. Baked goods are made to order; please allow at
least one week advance notice for these items.
To receive a subscription contract to fill
out, call or e-mail MWB Produce or click here to download and
print your own.