Garden and Farm Report


Garden Report

         The garlic is up and growing - should be a good crop beginning in mid-June for the early varieties.  We had a long, cold winter, and so far spring has been more of the same.  I was able to get a row of spinach, Jerusalem artichokes, and some onions and more garlic in, but until things dry out some, none of the other early seeds will even make it into the ground.  I have lots of spring multiplier onions and baby garlic, some herbs, and eggs.  Some first, second, and third year perennial plants are currently available, along with a few potted rhubarb and some trees and shrubs.  Some veggies and annual flowers will be available as bedding plants during the coming weeks and I continue starting more nearly every day.

Farm Report

          We are currently pasturing 20 beef heifers to be sold this fall as open breeding stock.  The poultry flock is flourishing and we do have eggs available now.  The chickens are currently producing about a dozen eggs per day and both hen turkeys are laying sporadically.  I received my first shipment of new poultry last week – chicks and turkey poults.  We should also have duck and goose eggs available later in the season.  We are looking into licensing to sell meat – pork and poultry.  More information is available in the Animal Products listing. 

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