MWB Produce and the associated operations are based on a family farm in northeast Kansas. My parents purchased this property in 1951, the year of the great midwest flood. It is one of the few remaining privately-owned tracts of its size in this part of the state that has not been cleared for agricultural, commercial, or residential development. Of the 320 acres, ~70 are under row-crop cultivation (MWB currently utilizes 1.25 acres for production of vegetables and fruit), ~69 are in pasture (grassland) for grazing and/or hay, and the remainder is native woodlands with 2 house lots (mine and my parents').    

I grew up on this farm and although I have lived in several other states and Canada, I have always considered it to be "home". In 2000, I had the opportunity to return here to assist my aging parents and in January 2001, my daughter and I officially took up residence.

With the gradual, but continuing decline in particularly my father's health, the issue of what will happen to the land following my parents' passing has arisen. My parents had wanted to maintain the integrity of the property, as do I, but my three siblings, all of whom live elsewhere and none of whom feel much attachment to the land, have all indicated their intentions to sell off their share when the time comes.

I would sincerely like to keep the land intact, in its current condition, without any further development. At the present time, I operate MWB Produce and MWB T'n'T Resale from the farm and do substitute teaching for Lawrence Public Schools. My partner, Jim, is a farm equipment mechanic and together we manage the property for my parents and run a few horses and calves, as well as raising some poultry and hogs. I am working to obtain the appropriate certification to teach full-time during the school year, but there seem to be an unending supply of roadblocks along the way.  In spite of these efforts, I am afraid that this may be too little too late to enable us to buy out my brother's and sisters' shares.

We are, therefore, soliciting donations for the purpose of preserving this property. Any and all funds collected will be used for preservation, maintenance, and management of the property with no further agricultural or residential development. If all you can contribute is a few dollars or even just some words of encouragement, it would be greatly appreciated.

In the event that we are forced to sell the property at some future date, any and all remaining funds will be donated to charities dedicated to the preservation of natural lands and wildlife habitat.

Please make checks payable to MWB Farms or MWB Farm Preservation Fund and mail to:

MWB Farms
                                                     1247 N 900 Rd    
                                                     Lawrence, KS 66047-9601    


We sincerely thank you for your support!!!



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